Adult Ministry
Connecting with Others
Ladies With A Purpose (LWAP)
To promote Christian growth and help women develop friendships, nurture relationships and find purpose in their role in family, church and community.
Veteran Christians at RiverPointe (VCRs)
An active group of senior adults gathers for fellowship, food and games. Each first Saturday of the month begins at 10:00 am usually for dominoes, cards or maybe a movie and ends with lunch at 12:00 pm.
Prayer Breakfasts
Prayer breakfasts are held occasionally to foster fellowship and prayer together. Sometimes we gather before Sunday morning Bible Study, or maybe we’ll have breakfast for supper on a Sunday evening.
Ladies Craft Group
Every Monday at 10:00 am, ladies gather at the church to create beautiful things for distribution and enjoyment at local ministries, senior centers and for those serving in the community. Connect with others and make someone’s day.
Ladies Ensemble
Ladies of any age can come lift their voices in harmony together to offer songs of praise to the Lord.